At Acrylic Furniture Factory “Lukida”
Donsuke decorated Christmas tree.
Ponsuke writes a Christmas card to his parents.
“Ponsuke, what do you ask Santa Claus for Christmas?” asked Donsuke.
Ponsuke replies, “mmm, let’s see, I want a rocking horse.”
Ponsuke continues, “Prin has a rocking horse named Mokkun. Very very nice.”
“Rocking horse…”
So, from that day on, Donsuke’s secret hard work began.
“This part goes here… and make that angle like this…”
Donsuke’s effort is taking shape now.
Winter is around the corner, there is a festival called “Mushroom Festival” in Roshino.
Of course there is one in which Prin and his friends live…
Pick wild mushrooms in the forest and grill them.
Adults get ready for picnic and barbecue
starting a fire for the grill.
Children are all so excited to get “mushroom hill”, mushroom shaped marshmallow
that is one of very famous products in Roshino.
Everyone loves charcoal grilled mushrooms!
We also have a picnic basket full of special foods.
Children are looking forward to grill mushroom hill.
Can we grill them nice and brown?
They had a fun and yummy mushroom festival in this year too!