Japanese Tsumami Kanzashi Hair Ornaments for 1/6 size Dolls by Roshino’s Ministry of Trade Garments Division ロシーノ貿易省服飾課謹製 ドール用つまみ細工かんざし


Roshino’s Ministry of Trade Garment Division carries

Japanese tsumami kanzashi hair ornaments for kimono.


We use extra fine real silk fabrics: they are truly gorgeous.

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主に1/6ドールのためのものを作っています。編みぐるみの子犬プリン、キリコ、フンボルトさん、猫の小春とすずとのんびり暮らしております。I make things (clothes and accessories) for 1/6 size dolls mainly. I enjoy a relaxed pace of life with amigurumi Prin, Kirico, Mr. Humboldt, and two cats Koharu and Suzu.
Made in Charmyheim