
Johnny the Kimono Tailor 仕立て屋ジョニー

jonny kasuri15-12-1ジョニーは腕のよい仕立て屋です。



Johnny is a professional kimono tailor.

I received an order to make a kimono with polka dots print

on solid black fabric.

jonny kasuri15-12-2「裾裏は、これだな!」


“The lower lining should be this!”

Johnny chose bold chrysanthemum print for the lower lining.

jonny kasuri15-1-3仕立てあがった着物を見て、ジョニーも満足そうです。

Johnny looks so satisfied with his completed work.

jonny kasuri15-1-4仕立てを依頼したお嬢さんがやってきました。

The client is here.

jonny kasuri15-1-5着付けをするジョニー。

Johnny helps her get dressed new kimono she ordered.

jonny kasuri15-1-6「まいど!またご贔屓にな!」

“Thanks a lot! Hope to see you again soon!”

Made in Charmyheim